When in Doubt

Look Inwards When in Doubt

Reading time: 1 minute

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إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ 

O Allah, we return to You with heavy hearts for Mojtaba’s father's passing. Grant him Your mercy, forgiveness, and a noble entrance into Jannah. Cleanse him as white cloth is cleansed of impurities. Bless him with a more gracious home, a family more comforting, and a more fulfilling companionship in Your Paradise. Shield him from the trials of the grave and the fire, and envelop him in Your infinite peace and light.

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Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt.

A man plagued by doubt sought the counsel of Luqman the Wise, hoping to find peace in his heart's relentless turmoil.

Luqman, embodying naseeha, guided the man to a garden forked by two paths—one illuminated by sunlight and the other veiled in mist.

He shared a profound insight: life, like the garden, presents us with choices, not to guarantee certainty in outcomes but to teach us the virtue of having faith in our decisions.

Luqman's wisdom highlighted that peace comes not from the absence of questions but from the courage to choose, trusting the divine wisdom within.

Luqman illustrated his point with a simple leaf, imperfect yet perfect, symbolizing the human heart's capacity for wisdom despite uncertainty.

He taught the man that true wisdom lies in not letting doubts overshadow the light of certainty and faith.

This tale teaches us that navigating life's doubts requires not the quest for absolute certainty but building a steadfast trust in our inner moral compass and divine guidance, empowering us to face decisions with clarity and peace.

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) exemplified this principle in his own life when he was out walking with his wife one night and passed by some companions.

He ﷺ immediately chose to clarify that he was with his wife, Safiyyah (RA), to prevent any doubts in their hearts.

These moments of ambiguity demand a deeper reflection, urging us to consult not only the external sources of Islamic jurisprudence but also the internal compass of our hearts

This pursuit of clarity and purity of heart is encapsulated in the concept of al-Wara’—a heightened state of consciousness and cautiousness in avoiding even the permissible things if they stir doubt in one's heart.

A tranquil heart is occupied with the love of Allah, residing in a body that serves Allah, with a mind filled with the thought of Allah, and an eye that seeks His presence in all things.

May Allah guide our hearts!

Whoever looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise with me like this," putting his index and middle fingers together.

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🪞 Reflection:

Think about your daily actions and routines. Do they bring you closer or farther away from your values?

How often do you listen to that gut feeling when in doubt?

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